Tuesday, December 04, 2012

It Really Is Time To Get Going Now

It seems like ages since my last blog post. In that time I’ve had various issues come up which I’ve used as excuses to not keep up the regular blogging.

These include a problem with my computer which caused it to keep freezing and restarting soon after turning it on which took ages to get fixed. Eventually I managed to do it by replacing the motherboard. It seems fine now.

I’ve also had problem with my eyes and have had to make numerous trips to the option’s to get them checked out and start a trial of new contact lenses. It was just a reaction I was having to the old type and it looks like it’s going to be fine after I’ve left them out for a week and start on a new type.

Finally it seems that things have settled down and I’m determined to make blog posts and release every day so that I can make money and build my team. (Hello to everyone who’s joined already, if you haven’t what are you waiting for? Go to Sedona-Method.co.uk and sign up now.

To help me I’m using Simpleology which you can sign up with for free here. It’s a great method of planning, both short and long term, and really helps you to stay focussed on what you need to do.

I’ve decided I need to focus on getting everything I want done every work day even if it’s not perfect. How could it be at this stage anyway? I know I’ll improve as I go along.

 Also I need to put what the Empower Network training materials say to do into action exactly instead of over complicating things. The system is all there laid out for you and there’s really no need to do that.

So here’s to making an amazing income for my team and me. It should be a fun ride.

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